Privacy policy and terms of use


Tax reg. no. (CIF): B62152335
Address: Avda. Universitat Autònoma, 13 Parc Tecnològic del Vallès, 08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona).
Telephone: 666570401

STE PHARMACEUTICALS, S.L., as the party responsible for the Website, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of their personal data and the free circulation of these data and Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December 2018 (LOPDGDD), and Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society and E-commerce Services (LSSICE), hereby informs you that the necessary security measures of both a technical and organisational nature have been implemented to guarantee and protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data entered.


Your personal data will only be used for the following purposes:

– To send advertising communications, information about the products and services related to the activity by email, fax, SMS, MMS, social communities or any any other electronic or physical means, in the case that the User has expressly consented to the sending of commercial communications by electronic means by subscribing to the NEWSLETTER or by ticking the checkbox to accept the sending of advertising.
– Carrying out the service provisions contracted or subscribed to by the client.
– Using your data to contact you, by either electronic or non-electronic means, in order to obtain your opinion about the service provided or to respond to questions posed in the contact section.
– To notify changes and important developments in the privacy policy.
The data of clients and/or suppliers will be processed within the contractual relationship that binds them to the data controller in fulfilment of the administrative, tax, accounting and labour obligations that are necessary by virtue of current legislation. You may revoke your consent at any time by sending an email with the word “Cancellation” in the subject line to:
In accordance with the LSSICE, STE PHARMACEUTICALS, S.L. does not engage in SPAMMING, and therefore it does not send commercial emails that have not been previously requested or authorised by the User. Consequently, in all the communications that they will receive from the service provider, users have the opportunity to cancel their express consent to receive our communications. We will not process their personal data for any purpose other than those described, except as required by law or by the courts.


Your data will be kept for the duration of the commercial relationship with us or until you exercise your right to cancel, oppose or limit their processing. However, we will keep certain identifying personal and traffic-related data for a maximum period of 2 years in case it is required by the Courts and Tribunals. You will not be subject to decisions based on automated processing that affect your data.


The legal basis for the processing of the data is your consent granted in order to carry out the purposes described above, which will be requested when ticking the corresponding box when your data are being collected. They may also be used to respond to your request and for the acquisition of your services, with the requested data being included in order to deliver the requested service. Failure to provide the requested personal data or to accept the present data protection policy means that it will not be possible to receive information on the products and services of the Provider.
In those cases in which there is a previous contractual relationship between the parties, the legitimacy for the performance of administrative, tax, accounting and labour obligations that are necessary by virtue of current legislation will be the prior existence of the commercial relationship established between the parties.


Any communication sent will be added to the information systems belonging to STE PHARMACEUTICALS, S.L. By accepting the present conditions, terms and policies, the User expressly consents to STE PHARMACEUTICALS, S.L. performing the following activities and/or actions, unless the Users indicates otherwise:

• Offering the requested services. • The sending of commercial and/or promotional communications by any means enabled, informing the Users of the activities, services, promotions, advertising, news, offers and other information about the products and services related to the activity.
• In the event that the User has expressly consented to the sending of commercial communications by electronic means by subscribing to the NEWSLETTER, the sending of these communications by electronic means, informing Users about the activities, services, promotions, advertising, news, offers and other information about the products and services of STE PHARMACEUTICALS, S.L., that are identical or similar to those that were initially the subject matter of the contract or of interest to the User.
• The conservation of data during the periods stipulated in the applicable provisions.


Users are informed that the means set up by the company to communicate with clients and other affected parties are by business telephone and email.
If you send personal information by a means of communication other than those indicated in this section, the COMPANY is exempt from any responsibility in relation to the security measures provided for the means in question.


STE PHARMACEUTICALS, S.L., does not transfer or reveal any data unless there is a reasonable need to comply with a judicial procedure, legal obligation or after having previously obtained the consent of the User.
Furthermore, no international transfers of your personal data will be made without your prior consent, notwithstanding being able to block or cancel your account if there are any indications that a crime has been committed by the User. The information provided will only be the information the service provider has in its possession at that time.
STE PHARMACEUTICALS, S.L., will not transfer the data collected to third parties unless there is a reasonable need to do so in order to comply with a judicial procedure, legal obligation or after having previously obtained the consent of the User.

The information provided to us through this Website will be stored on the servers belonging to STE PHARMACEUTICALS S.L., with Tax ID (CIF) B62152335 and tax domicile at Avgda. Universitat Autònoma, 13, Parc Tecnològic del Vallès, 08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès (BARCELONA). The processing of the data from this entity is regulated by means of a data processing contract between the Provider and this company. In no case will the data processor subcontract any services that involve any data processing by third parties without our previous consent.


As a User-Data subject, you may request the exercise of the following rights before STE PHARMACEUTICALS, S.L. by sending a written request to the postal address that appears in the heading or by sending an email to, indicating in the Subject line: “DATA PROTECTION: AFFECTED RIGHTS”, and attaching a photocopy of your national identity document or any other similar legal document, as stipulated by law.


• Right to access: allows the data subject to know and obtain information about their personal data that are subject to processing.
• Right to rectification or erasure: makes it possible to correct errors and modify inaccurate or incomplete data.
• Right to cancellation: permits the suppression of inappropriate or excessive data.
• Right to opposition: right of the data subject for their personal data not to be processed or transferred.
• Limitation of the processing: implies the marking of the saved personal data in order to limit their future processing.
• Data portability: provision of the data to be processed to the data subject, so they they can be transferred to another processor with no impediment.
• Right not to be subject to individual automated decisions (including the development of profiles): right not to be subject to a decision based on the automated processing that has effects on or significantly affects the data subject.
As a User, you have the right to withdraw the consent given at any time. The withdrawal of consent will not affect the legality of the processing carried out prior to the withdrawal of consent.
You also have the right to file a complaint with the control authority if you believe that your rights have been violated in relation to the protection of your data (at


The data you provide to us will be handled in the strictest confidence. The Provider has taken all the necessary technical and organisational measures and levels of protection to guarantee security in the processing of your data, to prevent their alteration, loss, theft, unauthorised processing or access, according to the state of technology and the nature of the stored data. Likewise, it is also ensured that processing and recording in files, programs, systems or equipment, both local and in centres, meets the requirements and conditions of integrity and security set out in current legislation.


The language applicable to this Privacy Policy is Spanish. Therefore, in the event of any contradiction in any of the versions provided in other languages, the Spanish version shall take precedence.


STE PHARMACEUTICALS, S.L. reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to new legislative or jurisprudential developments. Users will be notified of any modification.